Shelter from the elements is a basic human need along with nourishing food, drinkable water, and a safe place to sleep. For nearly 30 years, One Warm Coat has provided free, warm coats to anyone in need, without discrimination. During that time, over 6.6 million children and adults have received the gift of warmth.
Children are particularly susceptible to the cold because their small bodies must work harder to maintain a safe core temperature. They need the protection of a coat in the winter as they walk to school or wait at a bus stop. With many students now remaining home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, coats are more essential than ever. Children from low-income families often wear their coats inside their residences because they live in spaces that lack necessary insulation, or are missing floors or windows. In addition, families who were already struggling may find themselves unable to pay higher utility bills during the coldest months.
For adults, a coat can provide warmth as they commute to work, often by foot or on public transportation. For men and women living on the street, a warm coat can mean the difference between life and death.
One Warm Coat’s volunteer Coat Drive Ambassadors represent every age group, gender, and race. One Warm Coat’s nonprofit partners, who distribute the coats that are collected, are diverse and include homeless shelters, food pantries, senior centers, schools, day-cares, and places of worship.
One Warm Coat believes in the basic right to protection from the cold, for everyone. No one should go cold this winter.
One Warm Coat Values Statement:
- We believe in, and advocate for, the basic right to protection from the cold.
- We provide coats to people in need, free of charge and without discrimination or obligation.
- We treat the people we serve with dignity and respect.
- We promote sustainability through the reuse and repurposing of outerwear.
- We create connections in local communities by fostering volunteerism.
- We appreciate and honor our volunteers and donors.