If you are unable to hold an in-person coat drive this year (for example, if you usually hold your coat drive at an office or school that is currently closed), a virtual coat drive is a great way to continue to spread warmth in your community.

During a virtual coat drive you will follow the same 6-step program, except you will only collect funds instead of coats and funds. Every $1 donated warms 1 person!

Virtual coat drives are easy to organize! Follow the 6-Step Program:

  1. First, register your coat drive through the traditional steps. Once you do, you’ll receive your personal coat drive page and access to promotional tools.
  2. When registering, be sure not to include a location for the Donate Coats Map, since you won’t be hosting an in-person drive.
  3. Set up your personal coat drive page with your fundraising goal. Remember, every $1 warms 1 person!
  4. Use the Ambassador Resources for email and social media to help you spread the word about your virtual coat drive.
  5. Your virtual coat drive will end with Step 5: Celebrate! (instead of Step 6, since you won’t have coats to deliver.)

Thank you for helping people in need in your community! No one should go cold in the winter.